Working with Health and Safety at Work

Health and safety at work is important for businesses.  There can be a bit of paperwork to deal with when it comes to safety regulations at work, especially for smaller companies that can often be vulnerable to prosecution.  Health and safety officials will always continue to urge businesses to focus on risk assessments and audits to ensure that any workplace is safe for the employees.

Businesses of any size need to focus on safety regulations to ensure they are protected with such things as business insurance.  They also need to minimise any issues that may affect the business and how it may be prosecuted should negligence occur.  If your business is too small to worry about an individual HR and risk assessment manager then chances are oversight will fall on the owner to ensure safety and health.  The owner can have their manager handle such things, but it is always best for the owner to look at the completed documents.  After all the owner will be the one liable should any incident occur at the workplace.

Employees are not the only people that need to be protected.  Anyone visiting a company’s premises can be in danger under the wrong circumstances.  A rug that is not laid out flat could trip a consumer.  A stair rail that is not to code could cause an accident for a visitor to the building.  Owners have a responsibility to look at anything in their business that could be a risk.