Water and gas leak issue of health and safety

Maltby Colliery suffered from water, gas, and oil leaks that stopped work.  They had to undergo a 16 million pound profit cut because of the leak.  The issue was certainly related to health and safety.  There were operational risks.  This is why the work was stopped.  Now that the conditions have been improved, there is a chance for Maltby Colliery to reopen.  The issues were found in a localised area of the mine.

The mining team is still unable to go back to the area that had the leak, but there is a chance for other areas to be mined.  Since there are health and safety at work concerns there is worry that work and production should not continue at all.  Yet, after quite a bit of study there is a chance that work will resume in some areas of Maltby Colliery as long as the work is not too close to the closed off area of the mine.

The issue that created the full closure of the mine for a short time has never happened before.  The mine has been opened for 100 years. In his 32 years of experience, the head of the mining team has not encountered the issue before.  Mining plans are certainly being revised even at the writing of this so that the mine can be reopened with full safety measures in place so that no health incidents occur.  It is good news that the mine can open again though a section will remain closed off.