Violence at work

The number and incidence rate of violent incidents at work has declined over the last decade, according to the 2013/14 Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).

These findings show that:

  • The risk of being a victim of actual or threatened violence at work is similar to the last five years with an estimated 1.1% of working adults the victims of one or more violent incidents at work (CSEW).
  • In 2013/14, the survey estimated 257 000 adults of working age in employment experienced work related violence including threats and physical assault.
  • There were an estimated 583 000 incidents of violence at work according to the 2013/14 CSEW, comprising 269 000 assaults and 314 000 threats. This was lower than the estimated 656 000 incidents in the 2012/13 survey but this change is not statistically significant.
  • The 2013/14 CSEW estimated that 1.0% of women and 1.2% of men were victims of violence at work once or more during the year prior to their interview.
  • It is estimated that 56% of victims reported one incident of work related violence whilst 17% experienced two incidents of work related violence and 27% experienced three or more incidents.
  • Strangers were the offenders in 56% of the reported incidents of workplace violence. Among the 44% of incidents where the offender was known, the offenders were most likely to be clients or a member of the public known through work.
  • The survey found 72 % per cent of violence at work resulted in no physical injury. Of the remaining 28 % of cases, minor bruising or a black eye accounted for the majority of the injuries recorded.
  • In 2013/14 there were 4 936 RIDDOR reports of injuries to employees involving acts of violence in Great Britain (one fatality, 866 major or specified injuries, and 4 069 over-7-day injuries). More information on over 7-day injuries is available.

Number of incidents of violence at work for adults of working age in employment 2004/05 to 2013/14 (CSEW)
