Terror Checks Suspended for Health and Safety Issues

It has been found that approximately 100 terror checks have been suspended in the last five years.  Border checks at Kent are in place for citizens’ health and safety; however, some of these checks have been suspended in the last several years.  The Home Affairs Select Committee has checked UK border controls.  They found there was relaxation without proper authorisation.  It has shocked several security personnel that such conditions were allowed to happen.

The Home Office Warnings Index list of banned people was occasionally suspended.  Despite the fact that safety is a huge mission of those in charge, they stated it was health and safety at work that required these suspensions.  Those looking into the issue stated they are concerned about the misuse and obvious problem regarding regulations.  It is not just about the need for these checks, but also having enough staff members to ensure the staff is safe when they are running checks.

The committee will examine the situation to make certain changes are made. The head of the UK border force has already been suspended, and the committee will look into issues regarding this individual.  It is known that he already resigned, but there are still investigations into his actions that are required.  The committee found a lack of communication to be part of the problem. They also decided that lack of supervision regarding staff members was also at issue.