Safety Could Be Worse This Year at Work

HSE and other watchdogs are warning health and safety could become worse for 2012.

The Health and Safety Executive has issued a new warning for Mid Sussex. There has now been one death this year and an increase in numbers of workplace injuries.  In the last year, there was one death with 44 major injuries.  This is compared to the previous year of no deaths and 42 major injuries. Wealden does show a decrease of major injuries and no deaths, but there are other locations with an increase in major injuries.  This is why the new warning has been given concerning health and safety at work.

The HSE is increasingly worried about the growth of major injuries and deaths throughout the UK.  They wish to ensure that statistics concerning all work related injuries and deaths are reduced.  Hundreds of lives have been impacted in the last year throughout the UK due to major injuries.  The only way to stop these accidents from happening is to have better risk assessment.  The HSE is suggesting health and safety risk assessment training may be of importance in order to reduce work related incidents.

Accidents, injuries, and deaths happen at work because of risky protocols.  It may not be the company as a whole at fault, but they can be held accountable if they knew a worker was doing something risky and did not stop it.