Network Rail Pleads Guilty to Health and Safety Charges

Network Rail owned up to health and safety breaches.

Network Rail has been under investigation since 2005 regarding the deaths of two teenagers.  Yesterday, there was a turn in the case of the deaths wherein the rail company did plead guilty to breaching health and safety laws.  The incident involved two girls who went across the footpath after one train passed, but ignored the warning lights that continued to flash.  They were struck by the second train coming along the tracks.  It was suggested after health and safety audits that the company did not carry out proper risk assessment or control of the footpath.

It was possible for the gates to be opened by the teenage girls.  It was apparent they thought a second train was not coming and that the gates were stuck.  It was stated in court that the parents felt there was a cover up by Network Rail regarding their liability in the incident.  This is the reason for the guilty plea sparking so much interest.  It is also the reason the case will head to Chelmsford Crown Court for a decision with regard to any fine and sentencing the company might have to face.  Worse yet is that another teenage occurred at the beginning of the week at a nearby footpath.  It may have been this new death that led to the guilty plea in the 2005 case because there will be a new investigation.