Manslaughter Conviction following Health and Safety Breach

Sentencing has been provided for Andrew Hartley.  Hartley installed a new boiler in a home that led to the death of Zoe Anderson. She was the daughter of a millionaire who died from carbon monoxide poisoning due to an issue with a boiler installation.  It was less than two weeks after the new boiler was installed that she died from the gas fumes.  Hartley will be in jail for three years.  He was told it was proper punishment for the health and safety breach that led to a death.

The judge stated there was nothing malicious in the death.  It is simply an issue of not following the health and safety regulations required for gas works.  The fact that a death occurred is saddening and the person at fault must be held accountable.  Hartley was found guilty of manslaughter due to negligence.  He did admit to breaching the regulations concerning securing the flue pipe correctly.  The judge stated that the work was below normal standards, resulting in the guilty outcome for Hartley.

During the investigation, it was found that Hartley rushed the job and that is why it was botched.  Had he given proper time to the job it may have stopped the situation from happening.  There will also be one year added to the sentence for Hartley for breaching the gas safety laws.  It is to be run concurrently with his three years for manslaughter.