Legionnaires Disease Threatens Health and Safety

Two British citizens have died from Legionnaires. This is a reminder that when leaving your own country it is important to remember health and safetyThis is because it could be very easy for anyone to contract a disease while away from home and suddenly suffer.  To be specific, two individuals are now dead due to a trip to Spain.  The two died after staying in a hotel at Calpe, Spain.  One died in the hospital and the other was found in the hotel room.  Both contracted Legionnaires disease.

They stayed in a hotel assuming they would be safe, but it turns out this particular hotel did not conduct proper health and safety audits.  Legionnaires is generally a water borne illness, meaning it can be found in faucets, drains, taps, and other areas with water.  All one has to do is drink the water or otherwise allow it to get into the body.  At first, the disease can seem like a cold.

What happened according to the investigation was that an individual stayed at the hotel a month ago.  The customer was a patient who was being treated for pneumonia caused by Legionnaires.  Now everyone in the hotel has been evacuated to avoid the issue while the hotel does a clean up.  The elderly are most affected by the disease.  It is a sad day for those affected by this incident and it is an issue that could have been avoided with proper cleaning after the infected patient left.