Irish HSE examining health and safety training

The Health Service Executive acknowledges the failures in child protection for Irish youths.  In an attempt to solve the issues, health and safety will be examined.  The Child Death Review Group has created a report to help provide recommendations of how safety and health towards children can be changed.  Young generations are vulnerable, and this is why there needs to be protection and welfare for them.  Children need to be put first, according to one expert from health and safety consultants in Ireland.  While sympathy and condolences can be offered it is not enough.

Health services need to be aware that there is a lesson to be learned from deaths that have occurred among children in Ireland in the last years.  These are lessons such as the deficiencies in care and where mistakes were made so that they do not happen again.  The HSE for health services in Ireland will be conducting many talks concerning safety and health.  A few recommendations have already been offered in how to reform child services, such as establishing a national review panel, developing workload guidelines for better management, and risk assessment options that will help solve the overall problem for each individual child.  Risk assessments can be conducted per child so that the risks are eliminated or reduced.  In fact, those who work in child services may benefit greatly from risk assessment courses.  These courses help teach the management personnel how to conduct risk assessments at work or in this case in a safety and health environment for children.