Health and safety training for caregivers needed

There is a belief that more health and safety training is needed for East Lancashire elderly.  A charity has warned that many health caregivers are not providing respect, dignity or proper health and safety to elderly patients.  The director of a living care facility in Lancashire has stated that nursing staff members need to have more guidance when it comes to dealing with elderly patients.

In some respects it is only in how the person talks with the elderly patients.  Many elderly individuals tend to feel patronised by the staff because of the language used.  She said that the quality of care is not the issue, but proper training in talking is also needed.

Part of a person’s job in a nursing facility is to offer dignity and respect to the patient.  Their mental health is just as important as any physical injury nurses are taking care of.  This is part of a bid to ensure that neglect and abuse in care facilities ends.  There are places that abuse or neglect patients.  Sadly, most of the neglect or abuse goes unreported because the elderly do not want to make a fuss or are not able to make a complaint.  It is really up to the nurses and health care workers to ensure that everyone is treated properly.  It comes down to training staff members better as well as hiring those who belong in the positions.  There are definitely some individuals who are better suited to care giving than others.