Health and safety risk assessments to prevent employee harm

The Health and Safety at Work Regulations of 1999 amended the 1974 law to include management of health and safety at work.  The regulation requires workstation risk assessments to be conducted in order to reduce the harm an employer, employee, or private citizen may suffer at a business premises.  Non-employees have to be a part of the workstation risk assessment plans since visitors may walk through a factory, outside the building, or on property the company owns and be harmed.

Winter and Company is a health and safety company providing five courses in health and safety.  They offer a workstation risk assessment course that teaches you how to organise your safety and health at work based on conducting risk assessments to prevent accidents from happening.  Anyone can attend the course, but it is best to send the employee who will carry out the risk assessments in your company.  The person who has undergone training in an academic situation and holds the management of risk position should attend the safety and health course to be trained further about the law and how to assess a particular business for risks.  Hazards need to be located in a workplace such as risks to expectant mothers and work related stress incidents, and in factories, any injury that can occur from the equipment or building needs to be assessed properly.  Workplace incidents happen, often leading to expensive fines due to lack of oversight in risk assessments. Taking a course in risk assessment will remind you of the responsibilities your business has to your employees and visitors.  Taking a course now ensures you are up to date on any legal changes and helps your risk management employee conduct the new risk assessment for the upcoming quarter or year.