Health and safety guidance for better conditions at work
The HSE has launched a cost recovery scheme that has been approved by Parliament. A guide has been uploaded to the HSE website for how the scheme is designed to work. For those looking into FFI recovery costs, it might be of benefit to also take health and safety training. FFI recovery costs deal with issues of safety and health law breaches. The new guide speaks about keeping the fees at zero for any business that is law-abiding, meaning a business that is not fined for any health and safety breach will not have to pay the costs. FFI stands for Fee for Intervention. The guidance being published is meant to provide a guide to any duty holder in the safety and health at work position. Simply put, companies that comply properly with the laws will not have an issue and will not need to go through a recovery cost programme in the future.
To make certain your company is always in compliance with UK safety and health laws, it is to your best advantage to take a training course such as the manual handling training course at Winter and Co. or one of the other five courses provided. Each course is designed to help you understand the regulations, how to prevent incidents, and how to assess the risk of possible incidents at your workplace. You can also go a step further and hire a consultant to examine your business. A consultant will examine your current risk assessment and preventative measures in place in order to make suggestions for improvement.
If you want to avoid any fines or be a part of the recovery cost scheme due to payments for incidents, then it is a good idea to take a course that helps you prevent incidents.