Health and Safety Executive Makes Report for Seagull Incident

The media was quite fascinated with the safety rescue of a seagull that brought 25 firefighters to the scene and one bird centre volunteer, who was responsible for the saving of the bird.  The HSE has decided to release their own statement into the situation to help the public understand what may have occurred during a time when health and safety was questioned about rescuing individuals.

The HSE has conducted health and safety audits into the case to determine what happened.  The fire service stated that the decision was not based on health and safety factors.  Even the HSE did not feel it was a safety and health matter.

The HSE further stated that they would make certain that common sense be put back into the decision of safety and health due to the Myth Buster Challenge Panel that debunked myths last week.  The fact is that the HSE will always look into an incident and they will do so to establish the facts and to focus on the response time of 24 to 48 hours on all incidents.  The HSE exists to ensure that the facts are established and that accurate information is disseminated.  The HSE maintains that the London seagull incident and subsequent response was not a safety and health concern about fishing the bird out of the pond.  They did not comment on the reasons behind service men remaining behind.