Health and Safety Chief Visits Shipbuilding Project

Rosyth Shipyard in Scotland was visited by an HSE worker.  During the visit, the worker was able to see the safety and health measures put in place by the individuals in charge at the shipyard.  It is the site for two of the largest warships being built in the UK.

The worker was able to visit the site and meet with two Aircraft Carrier Alliance members to hear about the health and safety procedures in place.  Judith Hackitt was able to see first-hand how these individuals at the companies are working together not only to construct the two ships, but also enforce the safety measures in place.

The shipyard had to undergo many changes to take on the redevelopment such as buying new cranes and installing better docking areas.  Hackitt stated that there is definitely a commitment to keep the environment safe.  Strong leadership and numerous workstation risk assessments have provided the answers needed for safety and health at the shipyard.

The ACA hopes that their “proud to be safe” campaign will help continue the commitment to safety and health the shipyard has held onto since the beginning of the project.  The HSE is also working on a campaign in several sectors to help increase the safety and health at the workplace.  The HSE wants to commend the shipyard for their part in the industry and work they have been conducting.  The hope is for all workplaces to be safe and for deaths and major injuries to cease.