Examining health and safety risk at the workplace

An expert in health and safety gave a talk in South Africa at the Occupational Safety and Health Expo.  The lessons taught by Mr. Reddy will certainly translate to UK requirements for health and safety at work.  Despite the location of the talk, one can certainly take a step back and look at their company’s protocols for health and safety risk issues.  During his talk, he mentioned the current UK regulations, why they were put in place, and how they can be guidelines for other countries when understood properly.

Numerous industries are affected by compliance of safety and health.  Construction, agriculture, and similar industries with a high number of dangers are often the focus of the HSE, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest other industries, even office-based businesses, have safety and health concerns.  Reddy stated that psychologists should examine employees’ physical, emotional, and academic abilities to ensure the companies they work for that they are well and healthy to continue working.  Sitting at a desk throughout the day can lead to obesity, poor circulation, eye problems due to computer screens, and much more.  Duty of care based on safety and health regulations requires employers to understand these risks and provide proper protocols to reduce the risks employees face no matter the industry they work in.  Frequent breaks to relieve eye strain is just one change office based businesses can provide their employees for better health of their employees.