Eight Sentenced for College Fraud Case

Eight UK individuals have been sentenced regarding fraud of proper training.

Eight people were found guilty in a Nottingham Crown Court regarding health and safety training. A three year investigation finally ended with the court decision.  It was found that these eight people forged documents in order to state that students took health and safety courses at Nottingham’s Castle College.  They were also responsible for forging documents for students in North Warwickshire and Hinckley College.

The eight individuals provided false documents to the students.  The case at issue had to determine if the students were also part of the scam.  It was found that the 583 students thought they were getting proper training in health and safety, but it turned out they did not complete the course appropriately.  Approximately 249 students at Hinckley College believed they were getting a complete education, only to find out they did not obtain the proper course.  They certainly went through training, but the eight individuals were not legitimate trainers for the health and safety course being taken.

To add to the issue, they also provided false documents.  They worked for firms such as Training Options UK, FE Options, and Castle College without legitimate education to teach these courses.  Some of the eight people will be jailed for five years, whereas others will get six months.  It depends on the sentence and whether community service is involved.  It is a lesson for others looking for proper training to check out everything about the facility they choose.