East Midlands Warning for Health and Safety

The New Year brings more health and safety warnings.

Every year the Health and Safety Executive looks at area fatalities to determine if there has been an increase of work related deaths and injuries.  They do so in an attempt to lower risks at work and help companies realise the risks that exist.  A new warning has been issued for East Midlands because of the rise in the number of deaths.  From 2009 to 2011, there were 13 deaths and 2,162 injuries at the workplace.  In this last year, there have been 16 work related deaths with 2,088 work related injuries.  While the number of injuries is down, the number of deaths has increased.  It is estimated that six in every one million workers was killed between April 2010 and March 2011.

Most of these deaths are related to high risk industries such as construction, waste and recycling, and agriculture.  In fact, 50 deaths in all of the UK were related to construction, 34 deaths in agriculture, and nine in waste and recycling.  It is essential that workers be part of health and safety risk assessment training whether it is at work or through a health and safety at work course in London.

The HSE has issued a warning to ensure these high numbers of deaths and injuries are reduced in the following years.  New laws may come into effect in response to the high rate of death and injury in the workplace; if not new laws, then more audits.