Cruise Lines and Public Health and Safety

The Costa Concordia cruise line incident is a reminder of health and safety.

The Costa Concordia disaster has reminded us of how important health and safety can be.  After all, there has also been another cruise incident in the news recently that is bringing about the importance of health and safety.  The anniversary of the Titanic sinking is yet another reminder of how dangerous cruise accidents have been in the past, resulting from something as simple as hitting an iceberg or rocks, as in the case of the Costa Concordia.

Both of these disasters were worse than they needed to be concerning safety.  The Titanic was such a disaster because there were not enough lifeboats to rescue and potentially save all of the people.  There were also class distinctions that created more chaos than there needed to be.  In the case of the Costa Concordia, there were also issues with lifeboats and some individuals being trapped.  There is also talk that the crew did not seal up the lower decks properly to avoid the ship from sinking or tipping to one side or the other.

There will definitely be investigations into the Costa Concordia issue.  It was also announced that for a time they would stop recovery operations to try to find the 16 people that are still missing.  For the families waiting on news of their missing loved ones this is another layer of concern. Some of these families still have hope of their loved ones being returned.