Border Agency Staff Actions Jeopardize Health and Safety

Although there have only been ten Border Agency staff members caught at this time, there may be as many as 57 involved in offences relating to their job.  The current ten are being held on suspicion of harbouring immigrants.  They were confirmed to have been illegal and being protected by the staff members.  There are several issues with something such as this.  The first is the health and safety of all of those involved.  These immigrants could have brought any number of illnesses with them.  Furthermore, this could have led to health and safety at work issues.

The illegal immigrants being protected by these ten agents arrived in the UK in 2008.  This means for four years they have been protected.  Other staff members are being disciplined for abuse of job functions with relation to immigration misconduct.  Another eight were part of an organised activity of some sort.

Of those being reprimanded 23 have been dismissed and six left without any complaint.  This is only the most recent issues the UK Border Agency has had to face.  The entire agency has been under investigation for suspected lax treatment of their duties.  It is said that the Border Agency checks about 2,500 times more people than the airport, yet they are being lax in their positions.  It is definitely something that needs to be fixed so that nothing untoward happens.  With the Olympics approaching, it could be very dangerous to be lax in any form of security.