Health and safety in educational premises

Educational premises also need health and safety.  Any parent will want to send their children to a place they trust, one that will hold up against weather, and make certain their children can learn rather than worrying about health issues.  There is a regulation from 1999 called the Education Regulation that outlines the minimum standards on schools and universities.  It is also covered partially by the Workplace Health, Safety, and Welfare Regulations of 1992.  The secondary regulations require that workers have a safe work environment. Such things that are part of the regulations include weather protection, staff rooms, fire safety, toilet facilities, noise, heating, lighting, temperature, water supply, and ventilation.

The laws require that any building used for education must have the minimum standards of safety and health.  If a location does not, the HSE can close it down until the minimum requirements are met.  Already this year there have been at least three school closures due to health and safety issues.  If you run a school or are in charge of the safety and health, risk management, and health and safety in educational premises training you might wish to seek an additional course on the subject matter.  Winter and Co. are experts in safety and health training including training for educational premises wherein the regulations are very strict should something not meet minimum standards.

If you are unsure if your school or university meets minimum standards, you definitely want to take the course.  In this way, you can make certain you are not in violation of any laws.  It will prevent you from being shut down if you are proactive about safety and health.  Furthermore, you can end your worries by taking the course and making certain your school is following the rules.