Health and safety important for fire departments
Every year there is an International Fire/EMS safety and health week. This week is meant to ensure that all fire departments on a global scale are aware of the health and safety they need to follow. Several of the UK fire services and organisations are looking at ways to make certain that health and safety exists at their locations.
There are plenty of ways to participate in the safety and health week. One does not have to go to the conference to retrain those who are in these services to ensure they know what to do. The UK has faced several obstacles in the last year regarding how fire rescue appears at scenes. There was already controversy over many firemen appearing at a lake where a bird was in trouble, yet they were unable to do anything. There are rules in place for the safety of fire personnel that can have them step back until the properly trained professional is on site.
For instance in a car fire, just because a fireman is on scene it does not mean he can act to put the fire out without a fire truck being present. Incidents such as this are what fire departments are trained for, but they also have to help train commoners in the safety and health rules they must follow so that there are less misunderstandings. The safety and health week may be for fire departments and organizations internationally, but then again the information can also be shared with others for understanding purposes.