Businesses warned to protect workers and public with health and safety
The HSE has issued a safety notice to businesses to protect workers and members from Legionella exposure. The recent Legionella outbreak in Scotland led to HSE health and safety audits. These audits revealed some common failings in Legionella control that have led to outbreaks in the disease across the UK over the last ten years. The HSE confirmed that cooling towers and evaporative condensers are one of the most common sources of these outbreaks. About 90% of the outbreaks are caused from a failure to recognise a potential issue. The HSE also noted it is an issue of adopting proper control measures.
The notice of this health and safety issue stresses that consistent monitoring of water quality and effective means for this monitoring are a leading concern. The importance of assigning proper responsibilities with regards to management is imperative. An oversight committee is needed in businesses where Legionella can occur to ensure proper protocols are followed.
The HSE spokesperson stated that the research has confirmed the importance of establishing effective control measures and guidance. Guidance in how to protect a facility is as important as ensuring proper protocols are followed. The notice helps to remind businesses of how they can find these guidelines offered by the HSE. Businesses need to check the guidelines now in order to ensure they are following the protocol. The notice requests that all businesses look at their current situation to make certain a new audit will show no issues.